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FootballNewsFormer Liverpool bidder Kenny Huang and business partner at odds on stories

Former Liverpool bidder Kenny Huang and business partner at odds on stories


By Nick Harris

25 August 2010

Kenny Huang’s questionable credibility as ever being a serious bidder for Liverpool has taken a further knock today with a claim by his Chicago-based business partner, Marc Ganis, that they never actually made a bid for the club.  “There was never a formal proposal submitted by us to the club and we have been very clear about that,” Ganis told this morning’s Telegraph.

Yet in an interview in China today, Huang himself says his offer for Liverpool was “the lowest”. This clearly suggests there was an offer, and of a specific value, and as such is a direct contradiction of what Ganis told the Telegraph. The Huang interview from today in its original Chinese is linked here. In another interview in China today, Huang says he offered £300m for the club, £100m for facilities (stadium start?) and £50m for players.

The interview in China appears to be an attempted face-saving exercise by Huang after our investigation that strong suggests he perjured himself repeatedly in a trial in America in January.

Huang also says in today’s interview that he no longer owns shares in the Cleveland Cavaliers NBA team, due to NBA rules, and says he had to “give up my shares”.

In fact, it has been established beyond any doubt already, Huang never did own any share of the Cavaliers.

Liverpool’s search for a new owner, meanwhile, goes on.


Now online: Kenny Huang’s rise from obscurity to Liverpool bidder


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